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Our Curriculum


We teach each subject in discrete half-term blocks we call units of learning. You can see the curriculum intent and full curriculum map for each subject by clicking the links below or go directly to a subject curriculum page using the menu on the left of this page.

English           History          Geography          Religion and Worldviews           PSHE           Music           Art

D&T            Science            Maths           Computing         PE            French         Early Years

Planning for knowledge

We follow the national curriculum. We have sequenced our curriculum to build on prior learning and extend and grow subject knowledge as pupils journey through the school. Each of our unit plans has a 'planning for knowledge' summary that shows the unit knowledge outcomes, vocabulary and progression standards, the prior learning pupils bring to the unit and the future learning this unit feeds into and supports.

We have prepared knowledge organisers for each unit of learning showing the key facts pupils need to know and retain at the end of each unit; these are sent home as part of our home-school link, and are used as a resource in class. Pupils are quizzed regularly throughout the year on the key facts, to ensure they have retained their learning and knowledge.



We assess the English and Maths learning and progress of our pupils against the standards set out in the National Curriculum and Key Stage 1 and 2 assessment guidance. The progression standards for all other subjects are set out in the Eko Trust Non-Core Assessment Policy and based on the standards set by the national associations for teaching in each subject. Our Eko Trust School Improvement Partner, Eko Trust Executive Leaders, school governors and our own Senior Leadership Team all conduct regular learning walks and pupil conferences to check that our pupils are engaged in their learning, can talk about it, and have retained the key knowledge from each of our units of learning.

For more information about the attainment of our pupils please click here for Key Stage 1 data and here for KS2 data.

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